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2024-09-15 17:57

This article was first published in the Monthly newpaper (February 2019) for the Thai Buddhist temple in Ft. Walton Beach.  

Man the NOBLE Being  by P.A. Payutto

Human beings are special unlike any other kind of animal.  What makes them special is sikkha' or education namely learning training and development. Human beings who have been trained, educated or developed are called "noble beings."  They know how to conduct a good life for themselves and also help their society fare securely in peace and happiness.

To be truly involved in this education human beings, especially children and young people, who are the new members of the human race should aquire the seven fundamental quantities known as the auroras of a good life or the dawn of education. These are the guarantees of life moving forward toward full human development to peoples becoming truly nobile beings.  They are:

1.  Kalyanamittata seeking out sources of wisdom and good examples.

2.  Sila-sampada having discipline as a foundation for ones life development.

3.  Chanda-sampada having a heart that aspires to learning and constructive action.

4.  Atta-sampada dedicating oneself to training for the realization on ones full human potential.

5.  Detthi-sampada adhering to the principle of conditionlity, seeing things according to cause and effect.

6.  Appamad-sampada establishing oneself in heedfulnes.

7.  Yonisomanasikara-sampada thinking wisely so as to realize and see the truth.




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