One Day Meditation Workshop for Mindful living
At Wat Mongkolratanaram, Tampa FL.
5306 Palm River Rd.   Tampa,   FL 33619
Thursday June 1, 2017
08.30 a.m.      Register
09.00 a.m.      Welcome to Wat Mongkolratanaram, Tampa by Ven.Dr.Thanat
09.15 a.m.      Morning chanting and take five precepts
09.30 a.m.      Introduction to Meditation and Practice by Ven.Dhammadipa, Ph.D from US Zen Institute Germantown, Maryland
10.00 a.m.      Sitting meditation
10.15 a.m.      Walking meditation
10.30 a.m.      Sitting meditation
10.45 a.m.      Walking meditation
10.50 a.m.      Spread loving-kindness and compassion
11.00 a.m.      Take a break for Lunch
12.30 p.m.      Walking meditation with mindfulness
01.00 p.m.      Sitting meditation
01.15 p.m.      Walking meditation
01.30 p.m.      Sitting meditation
01.45 p.m.      Breathing exercise and Yoga 
02.00 p.m.      Dhamma talks by Ven. Dhammadipa
                        • How you can benefit from meditation
                        • The Loving-kindness meditation
03.00 p.m.      Questions & Answers 
03.45 p.m.      Spread loving-kindness and compassion
                       • Offering Sangha-Dana (Gifts offering)
                       • Blessing to all the participants
04.00 p.m.      Closing
If you plan to attend please review the Meditation Guidelines at this URL.  Also, please use the Feedback icon (left side of screen) if you have questions or to inform us that you plan to attend.  Registration forms will be available at the Temple on Sunday or at the door.