Law 3: Maintaining one’s relations towards the six directions.

 A.Rendering all the directions secure and peaceful by performing the duties towards the people related to one in due accordance with their six respective positions:

 1st direction: As a son or daughter, one should honor one’s parents, who are likened to the “forward direction,” as follows:

1.Having been raised by them, one looks after them in return.

2.One helps them in their business and work.

3.One continues the family line.

4.One conducts oneself as is proper for an heir.

5.After their passing away, one makes offerings, dedicating the merit to them.

 Parents help their children by:

1.Cautioning and protecting them from evil.

2.Nurturing and training them in goodness.

3.Providing them with an education.

4.Seeing to it that they obtain suitable spouses.

5.Bequeathing the inheritance to them at the proper time.

Buddhist Discipline - Law 3, Second Direction